Socialization, but properly!

Socialization, but properly!
This course is currently only available in german language.
The lecture is aimed at anyone planning to adopt a puppy, dog trainers/behavior consultants, and breeders. It is based on the latest findings on puppy socialization, particularly during the developmental period from 8 to 14 weeks.
It comprehensively describes the various developmental phases that puppies go through, from the prenatal stage to adulthood. It highlights how both genetic and environmental factors influence the temperament and behavior of dogs. A central theme is the role of habituation and sensitization, which refers to how puppies respond to repeated stimuli with either acclimatization or heightened reactions. These processes are crucial for the successful socialization of the animals.
Particular attention is given to breed-specific and individual differences in development and behavior. These differences must be considered when raising and training puppies. The lecture also discusses the ideal age at which puppies should be handed over to new owners to minimize health and behavior-related issues. The importance of targeted early intervention is emphasized here.
Finally, the lecture presents solutions to help deal with stress and potentially traumatic experiences. These strategies are essential to avoid long-term negative impacts on the dogs’ behavior. Overall, the lecture offers valuable insights for dog owners who want to optimally support their puppy’s development and is thus relevant to anyone interested in dog behavior and training.