Zuchtmanagement Teil2_Geretschläger_Canimaster
Breeding management Part2


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Breeding management Part2

Breeding management Part2


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This course is currently only available in german language.

Breeding management is the most demanding subject area in any type of animal breeding. Development for a purpose, health and appearance are often in disadvantageous or even exclusive competition with each other. Added to this is the complexity of the topic due to the various current conditions and objectives in breeds, populations and clubs. 

Over many decades, various breeding selection systems have developed and changed, which have been and still are of varying degrees of success. Science is constantly evolving, and yet there is a sense of helplessness in pedigree dog breeding in the face of major problems such as various genetic diseases and bottlenecks, health and fertility-related restrictions and, last but not least, criticism from animal welfare organizations. 

In our two webinar parts on breeding management, we would like to provide information and incentives as to the extent to which clubs, officials and, above all, individual breeders can influence the club’s own circumstances in order to improve the situation. Thematically, both parts address various breeding and selection methods (e.g. inbreeding, line breeding, outcrossing & backcrossing, etc.) and responsible breeding practices (e.g. selection of breeding partners, strategic breeding planning, dealing with trait carriers, etc.) from the perspective of ethics, animal welfare and legal framework conditions. Genetics and various forms of health monitoring such as examinations, tests and the effect of corresponding breeding programs are also addressed. 

This course offers:

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What will you learn from this course

  • Forms of selection, consideration & definition: index selection, genomic selection
  • Appropriateness, process & implementation of crossbreeding projects
  • Crossbreeding strategies (backcrossing, rotational crossbreeding)
  • Dealing with new genetic diseases
  • Type & handling of complex diseases 

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More Information
Dr. Anja Geretschläger

Our Expert

Dr. mag. Anja Geretschläger (Austria)

Dr. Mag. Anja Geretschläger is a renowned scientist and entrepreneur in the field of veterinary genetic research in Austria. She is the founder and owner of Feragen, a specialized laboratory for genetic testing in animals.

Anja Geretschläger began her academic career with a degree in natural sciences and focused on genetics early on. After graduating with a master’s degree, she further deepened her knowledge in a doctoral program in which she specialized in genetic research in the veterinary field. Her expertise and passion for genetics ultimately led to the founding of Feragen.

Under her leadership, Feragen has developed into a leading provider of genetic testing for animals. The laboratory offers a wide range of services, including ancestry testing, testing for genetic diseases and the determination of genetic traits. The aim is to support animal owners and breeders with precise genetic information to improve the health and well-being of animals. This work is supported by a variety of high-quality specialist lectures.

Dr. Geretschläger is known for her innovative work and her contribution to improving veterinary genetic diagnostics. She is a sought-after expert in her field and is also involved in science communication to raise awareness of the importance of genetic research in the veterinary field.