Breeding management Part1

Breeding management Part1
This course is currently only available in german language.
Breeding management is the most demanding topic in any type of animal breeding. The development for a purpose, health, and appearance are often in disadvantageous or even exclusive competition with one another. Added to this is the complexity of the subject due to the various current states and goals in breeds, populations, and clubs.
Over many decades, different breeding selection systems have developed and evolved, with varying degrees of success. Science is continually advancing, yet there is perplexity in pedigree dog breeding in the face of major problems such as various genetic diseases and bottlenecks, health and fertility limitations, and not least, criticism from animal welfare advocates.
In our two-part webinar series on breeding management, we aim to provide clarification and incentives on how clubs, officials, and especially individual breeders can influence the circumstances within their clubs to improve the situation. Both parts will cover various breeding and selection methods (e.g., inbreeding, line breeding, outcrossing & backcrossing, etc.) and responsible breeding practices (e.g., selection of breeding partners, strategic breeding planning, handling of trait carriers, etc.) with a focus on ethics, animal welfare, and legal framework. Genetics and different forms of health monitoring, such as examinations, tests, and the effect of corresponding breeding programs, will also be discussed.