SPECIAL – Problem treatment of the breeding bitch


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SPECIAL – Problem treatment of the breeding bitch

SPECIAL – Problem treatment of the breeding bitch


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This course “Problem treatment of the breeding bitch” is currently only available in german language.
In her lecture, Dr. Carola Möhrke addresses various challenges and illnesses in breeding bitches that are typical or even particularly common.
The lecture is particularly relevant for club officials and breeders, veterinarians and veterinary medical staff who would like to gain deeper insights into the reproductive health of bitches.

Here are the main topic blocks:

  1. Cycle disorders – problems such as lack of heat, unnoticed cycles, hyperestrogenism and their causes.
  2. Discharge – treatment of young dog vaginitis and residual ovarian tissue after castration.
  3. Infertility – causes such as hormonal disorders, diseases of the uterus and possible solutions.
  4. Diseases during pregnancy – resorptions, corpus luteum weakness and loss of pregnancy.
  5. Influencing factors – genetics, environmental influences, stress and medication.

This course offers:

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What will you learn from this course

  • Cycle disorders
  • Discharge in bitches
  • Infertility & possible causes
  • Illnesses during pregnancy
  • Factors influencing cycle and pregnancy

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More Information
Carola Möhrke

Our Expert

Dr. med. vet. Carola Möhrke (Germany)

  • Member of the BPT (Federal Association of Practical Veterinarians), the AGRH (Working Group on Reproductive Medicine in Dog Breeding) and EVSSAR (European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction)

As the child of a “real” dog breeder family (our fox terrier kennel “v. d. Bismarckquelle” has been in existence since 1954), I knew early on that I wanted to be a veterinarian, and because I had my own dogs, my interest in reproductive medicine was already strong before I even started studying. During my studies at the Veterinary University of Hannover, I made contact early on with Prof. Dr. Anne-Rose Günzel-Apel, who had a significant influence on gynecological and andrological examination procedures in Germany. After my license in 1996, I worked on my dissertation on the subject of “Doppler sonography” at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine from 1996 to 1999. During this time, I was able to attend breeder consultations alongside my doctoral supervisor Günzel-Apel and thus had my first experiences with deep-freezing dog semen and intrauterine sperm transfers.

In my own veterinary practice (since 1997), in addition to the usual curative work, I have made breeder support my personal focus. I call breeder support the goal of being able to help dog and cat breeders with all questions and problems. This includes cycle diagnostics, determining the time of mating, pregnancy diagnostics (ultrasound), obstetrics and caring for newborns. In our practice we also offer official breeding examinations, such as HD and ED X-rays, spondylosis X-rays, examinations for patella luxation, audiometry, cardiac ultrasound and PKD examinations (in cats). Breeding dogs and cats is a complex and difficult process and we want to provide breeders with competent support in all questions.