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Digital Club_IT

Nella prima parte del nostro webinar vorremmo innanzitutto fornirvi una panoramica generale sui problemi dell’attuale attività associativa e, dopo aver analizzato i suoi sottosettori, presentarvi concetti di soluzioni innovative volti a semplificarli attraverso la digitalizzazione e a rendere i processi…


Digital Club_ENG

Get an initial overview of the necessity and possibilities of digitalization in the association sector in our presentation. We would like to briefly introduce you to our modern developments for the three main pillars of an association – the areas…

DLA and haplotypes for breeding practice (german language)

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Dr.mag Anja Geretschläger from Feragen explains in this video the DLA, the Dog Leukocyte Antigens, and the haplotypes of our dogs. As part of the immune system, they play an important role in the immune response. In breeding practice, knowledge…

The development of working dogs

Thumbnail Entwicklung des gebrauchshundewesens

The history of working dogs – Symposium “Animals as cultural heritage” Discover the fascinating history of working dogs | Insights & highlights from a century of development In this unique video, we delve into the diverse history of working dogs…

The digital association (1) – Introduction (german language)

Digital Club_DE

In our first webinar part, we would first like to give you a general insight into the problems of today’s association work and, after analyzing its sub-areas, present innovative solution concepts aimed at simplifying them through digitization and making processes…

Passion for IGP judging – Interview

Interview Intro

In this interview is a very detailed and interesting talk about judging at big dog events. Mathias Dögel, who is also a judge, ask here interesting and expert questions.Therefore, this interview is at a very high professional level. Vadim talks…

The definitive German Shepherd Dog – Interview

Interview Intro luis

Hear an exclusive interview with Louis Donald, author of the book “The Definitive German Shepherd Dog”Probably the most comprehensive and expert book since Max v. Stephanitz. See first-hand how and why this amazing book came to be from the hands…