Geburtstörungen und Welpensterblichkeit_Münnich
Birth disorders and puppy mortality


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Birth disorders and puppy mortality

Birth disorders and puppy mortality


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This course is currently only available in german language.

This lecture provides in-depth knowledge and is suitable for new breeders, experienced breeders, advisory club officials, and veterinary staff. It aims to help identify birth problems and diseases early on and take effective action to ensure the well-being of both mother and puppies. 

  • Part 1: Recognizing Birth Problems and Properly Caring for Puppies: 

The first part focuses on identifying various birth complications. It discusses the differences between normal and problematic births and explains the signs indicating when and how intervention is necessary. Additionally, it covers measures to support the mother during and after birth and provides special instructions for the initial care of puppies, particularly when the mother is not present. 

  • Part 2: Recognizing and Treating Puppy Mortality and Diseases in Nursing Puppies: 

The second part is primarily dedicated to the diverse causes of puppy mortality and subsequent diseases during the nursing period. It provides a comprehensive overview of typical causes, identifying features, and possible treatments to prevent the risk of occurrence and increase survival chances through appropriate follow-up care for puppies. 

This course offers:

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What will you learn from this course

  • Symptoms & causes of birth difficulties
  • Obstetric interventions, breed classification & statistics
  • Indication for cesarean section/Vena cava compression
  • Physiological characteristics in nursing puppies
  • The neonatal puppy and its diseases
  • Bacterial and viral infections, diagnosis & treatment
  • Overview – common mistakes 

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More Information
Dr. Andrea Münnich

Our Expert

Dipl. ECAR Dr. Andrea Münnich (Germany)

After studying at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Dr. Münnich initially worked as a scientific assistant at the Animal Clinic for Obstetrics and Reproductive Disorders at the Humboldt University, and from 1996 at the Clinic of the Free University. 

Following her work as a private veterinarian focusing on reproductive medicine, she manages and advises special cases in a specialized practice in the field of gynecology and neonatology in dogs and serves as an official veterinarian for animal welfare. For more than 10 years, she has been a board member of AGRH (Working Group for Reproductive Medicine in Dog Breeding), EVSSAR, a European Association for Small Animal Reproduction, and the European College for Animal Reproduction (ECAR), where she passed the examination for the European Diplomate of Animal Reproduction (Dipl. ECAR).

Her professional focus areas are neonatology, obstetrics, and specific issues in gynecology and andrology in dogs. She has published as an author and co-author in various textbooks and professional journals on these topics. The book for breeders “Reproduction of the Bitch – A Guide to Gynecology and Obstetrics” from 2000 will soon be available in a revised and expanded edition. 

In addition to numerous lectures in Germany and abroad, she annually serves as a guest lecturer for student education at the universities in Wroclaw and Warsaw.